Medical Devices; Ear, Nose, and Throat Devices; Establishing Over-the-Counter Hearing Aids



Proposed Rule

Regulated products

Medical Devices


October 20, 2021

Last updated

October 20, 2021


Document number 2021-22473. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA, we, or the Agency) is proposing to establish a regulatory category for over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids and to make related amendments to update the regulatory framework for hearing aids. Specifically, we propose to define OTC hearing aids and establish applicable requirements; amend existing rules for consistency with a new OTC category; repeal the conditions for sale applicable to hearing aids; amend the existing labeling requirements for hearing aids; and update regulations relating to decisions on applications for exemption from Federal preemption that would become obsolete as a result of changes to the hearing aid requirements. This action, if finalized, would more clearly define prescription hearing aids; however, it would not change the classification of existing device types. In creating a regulatory category for OTC hearing aids and amending existing rules, we intend to provide reasonable assurance of safety and effectiveness for these devices as well as foster access to, and innovation in, hearing aid technology, thereby protecting and promoting the public health.


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