Disqualification of a Clinical Investigator



Proposed Rule

Regulated products


April 13, 2011

Last updated

April 13, 2011


Document number 2011-8786. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is proposing to amend the regulations to expand the scope of clinical investigator disqualification. Under this proposal, when the Commissioner of Food and Drugs determines that an investigator is ineligible to receive certain test articles (drugs, devices, or new animal drugs), the investigator also will be ineligible to conduct any clinical investigation that supports an application for a research or marketing permit for products regulated by FDA. This proposal is based in part upon recommendations from the Government Accountability Office, and is intended to help ensure adequate protection of research subjects and the quality and integrity of data submitted to FDA. FDA also is amending the list of regulatory provisions under which an informal regulatory hearing is available by changing the scope of certain provisions and adding regulatory provisions that were inadvertently omitted.


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